Over the past year I have had many individuals and families financially supporting the
ministry. A number of you are those amazing people with which God has blessed me.
As the time comes closer to leave I am asking if you would be willing to commit to a regular
monthly donation for two years. I know some of you have said you want to support me but
perhaps you don't know what could benefit the ministry.
Let me help with that, even $5 a month is helpful! To put this into perspective, one $25
a month pledge could completely cover either my personal care items, my language tutor,
or basic household needs. One donor at $50 a month could cover my groceries, classroom
supplies, transportation needs, or my utilities. Below you will see the goal of 35 committed
monthly partnerships I would like to have by the time I leave. As of today I am only a third
of the way toward this goal. Please let me know if you are willing to fill in one (or multiple!)
of the slots. Thank you and God bless!
(The highlighted boxes represent current partnerships!)
Don't know where to start? Think about these facts:
According to thesimpledollar.com, the average American spends $12.75 per meal eaten
outside of the home. Considering the average is 18 meals a month this comes to over $230.
Eat at home one day a month more often and you can support me at $10 a month per
person and spend more time with your precious family.
ABCNews.com estimates that the average working person spends $1,100 a year on coffee
not including homebrewed cups. That makes it about $20 a week spent on coffee out
somewhere. Brew your morning coffee at home one extra day a week and you can support
me with $20 a month.
Still not convinced? Think of it this way, you as an individual might be giving up a meal or
coffee out, but in turn the support from 35 partnerships will allow me to serve over twice that
amount! Giving up a few amenities for a couple of years is worth it to change the lives of
100s of people forever 💖