I'm in the final countdown.
In seven days I leave Arizona to go on my last family vacation for a long while. I will not return to my parents' house before leaving the country. In some ways this is good because then my true last week will be low stress and time spent with my family instead of trying to get last minute things accomplished. It also gives me a bit of time to still realize what I might be forgetting and acquire it in Denver because my actual departure from the country isn't until 12 days later.
Yes, in seventeen (17) days I will be leaving my country of origin to spend two years in my "second" country. It is second only because I was not born there. It will be a sort of home coming because I know so many people where I am heading. Several visits have happened, but this will be different than any other time because it's not temporary. I am establishing a home there. It is very exciting, but also very nerve wracking. I know they love me and will be forgiving. However, mistakes will be made and I will offend many just because I didn't grow up there. The hope is that they are willing to share not just their language, but their culture willingly.
Seven Days To Test Launch:
7. Worship in the house of my Lord and start to pack the last box to be shipped.
6. Work on a birthday project for my niece and nephew and do a few errands with my mom.
5. Finish the project, complete the packing of the box, and verify some last minute paperwork/record keeping.
4. Sort what is going with me and run a test "packing" of my luggage.
3. Deliver box to Sari Sari store for shipment.
2. Freak out and walk in circles around the house double checking everything is done.
1. Do my last load of laundry, actually pack my luggage, and load the van.
0. Flight departs at 7 am.
Understandably, there are a lot of things on my mind. I simply ask that you keep me in your prayers this week as I try to remember to thank and praise God during this countdown. I am extremely grateful for those who have partnered with me in this endeavor and I pray regularly for you as well. Apart from the Lord, my God, I can do nothing. Without my supporters I can do very little. You are my lifeline.
Praise God and Amen!