I am going to attempt a new way of posting to possibly get more in. I'm sorry if pictures don't line up with the description. Well, so here goes nothing....
August has been filled with hard work and fun.
Jun is doing lots of maintenance at the farm in Palayan which is about 30 minutes away from home. Twice this month I've been able to join him to see the work and progress. This day Jun was using the weed whacker to cut back the grass. It's a lot more work than just a lawn mower, but it's what they do here.
It hard to see the second bunch because everything is so green around here, but these are two of Jun's banana trees yielding good bunches!
Close up of one of the currently 6 bunches growing well right now.
Last fall after visiting some of Jun's friends in Leyte we were able to bring back a bunch of pineapple tops to attempt growing. Of about 100 only about 20 have survived. They also keep getting overgrown by the vines and weeds!
We have saved hundreds of papaya seeds and Jun is hopping at least 20 will survive.
There is cassava both close to harvest and still very young.. It takes about 3 months and grows to about 6 feet tall.
Jun is master of mixing crops to make the most of the land. Here you can see the corn growing up around the banana trees. There are also some coconut trees, guava trees, and even some mung beans somewhere.
We have also been able to go swimming a few times but no pictures because salt water and electronic devices don't mix well. We tend to drive there, swim for about 30-45 minutes and then drive back all wet because there is no public restroom to store stuff or change in. It is a good and free way to relax our muscles from the physical work and stress build up.
It has also been about a month that we have been going to Restored Heritage on Friday for a class. To end the unit on food we made our own deviled eggs and tuna salad. This unit did a lot with compare and contrast so we followed two recipes of each and I even made an additional one that mixed tuna and eggs! They were also required to write out a recipe for me that included an ingredient list and the procedure. It was quite enjoyable and now I have some additional Filipino dishes to try.
(If this posts well I will add photos from their presentations...and maybe a couple recipes they shared!)