This time of year can be crazy normally, but many things we would normally do might be hindered by Covid and the rules in place to keep it to a minimum. Here in the Philippines we are continuing to do what we can to fill the needs around us. Some of those things include:
- First Aid supplies
- School supplies
- Clothing and Shoes
- Educational Support
If you, your family, small group, or church are looking for a way to give back, share the wealth, or “pay it forward” we can use help in these areas. Ordinarily we have two ways to help... a. Financial Donations so we can buy what is needed OR b. Sending boxes of supplies via balikbayan box. If you are interested in either please let me know because there are even options within each of those two!
We are really hoping to get our first aid supplies refilled this coming year. That may sound strange, but it can take up to six months to get supplies normally so possibly even longer with the current world situation. I’m going to try to add a link to a simple flier created to share with groups who might be interested in helping collect items. What complicates this process is how to send it. We have shipped through a couple companies but timing and regulations for Covid might delay shipments. I’m in the process of determining “if and when” shipments are being accepted. HOWEVER, don’t let that hinder you in collecting items. It can take some time to get enough supplies to fill a box (approximately 24x27x20 inch cube) and even if it cannot be sent now these types of things are always useful!
If you are interested in filling a box but are nervous about the process I can connect you with those who have done it in the past to hear how simple it really is... Just know that it’s not cost effective for you or us to send packages via regular post and addresses are different here than the US. We can also give you specific “wish list” items besides the medical items.
Thank you for considering our ministry in your giving back to God! Link to Google Doc Wish List Flier: