Take two!
Here are some photos of where I am staying. And in no particular order...
This is the pump area. I wash my laundry here. In the mornings the kids take their baths here. The building is the pump house that has the electric pump that fills the two tanks which supplies four (hopefully soon to be 5) buildings with their running water. At least it is a shaded area on the side of the house so it is sort of private and blocked by from the sun. |
This is the Cajigas' kitchen. The sink has running water, but no hot available. The stove/oven is propane gas run. It is difficult to really get it low, but high works great! |
This is the rice container. I asked Ate Jess and we determined they use 50 kilos about every 6 weeks. No wonder it's such a bit bin! That also helps feed the dogs too though. |
These two are lovers... for real. On the right is Lexi and she has had puppies a couple of times. Here most recent batch was fathered by Big Jake on the left. Pretty sure he is full German Shepard that they acquired from some Americans in a neighboring area.
This is Ollie. He is one of Lexi's babies from a previous brood of pups. He is a year old now. Both he and mommy love this chair on the front porch. |
This should look familiar. It is the orphanage as see from the Cajigas's balcony. Mommy Jean is growing vegetables out front to help supplement the food budget. If you look closely on the top-ish left is the end of the basketball court. |
This is the back of the church as seen from the Cajigas's balcony. The big shoe shape in the middle is a slide on the playground. Here you can also see more of the basketball court from this vantage point. |
In case you can't tell this balcony is a good place to see a lot of the area. On the far left is Papa Oman and Ate Amy's house. They are just outside the gate. The black truck is the Cajigas family vehicle. The white truck is the water delivery truck. The little bit of building on the far right is the church. |
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